Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rome and America? What is the relationship

For one to fully understand the true aim of globalization and the eventual creation of a one world government it would prove helpful for one to study the history of what today is presently the United States of America from the thirteen state colony of New England to a fifty state Empire including the associated state of Puerto Rico. Throughout history the United States from as early as 1823, with the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine exercised force in conquering surrounding territories. Representative of her Imperialistic hunger, the stars on the American flag grew from thirteen to fifty within a two hundred year period, illustrating America’s vast expansion. The widespread destruction of indigenous groups throughout the continent was not considered, in-fact such some such groups were completely annihilated.
            Today in the present world that we live, the United States of America still actively pursues the Monroe Doctrine although it should be noted that the monolithic manner in which it was carried out in past years has been altered to some extent. The United States is actively conducting offensive military operations within three sovereign countries around the world; Iraq, Afghanistan and most recently Libya. These operations were undertaken for the initial purpose of overthrowing the governments that were in place within these countries. The common trend with these three nations is that their borders remained closed for the most part to United States influence, or rather, more generally, western secular influence.
            At present the United States has approximately two hundred and fifty military bases world wide (extremely conservative number), a result of their active participation and eventual success of the allies’ World War two campaign. In addition the United States of America maintains somewhat of a monopoly around the world with respect to media content, thus her ideologies are imparted throughout the world freely. It should be noted however that the protestant principles of freedom, equality and the acknowledgement and respect of the creator which were once the foundation of American society no longer exists. Rather, the United States of America forms its foundation on radical Capitalism and immoral principles that have no resemblance whatsoever to that which was upheld by its Founding Fathers.
            It has been of great interest to many historians to investigate America’s transition from a bastion of liberty and freedom to an imperialist power but the time for theorizing and discussion at some point must come to an end. Individuals must speak out against imperialism of all forms, not only from secular states but also from religious powers most in particular Rome.
            As a seemingly sleeping beast, Rome is rebuilding her diplomatic bridges across the world, the United States formerly a firm protestant nation standing against the past corruption and persecution of Rome (for which the world has received no apology) has now become her ally. It would only be a matter of time before Rome regains a large stake within the global political scene. If the secular powers were to remove their restrictions (as ensured in the separation between church and state) upon Rome, she would not hesitate to return to her tyranny and persecution of old. At present the Protestants of the United States are foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to clasp the hand of the Roman Power. Some have claimed that the oppressive Rome of old has changed, but those who make such claims are unaware that it is the great boast of the pontiff that Rome never changes. She still maintains the blasphemous claims as those of the Middle Ages, the pope claiming to be the sole vicar of Christ and claiming the authority to forgive sins. Such are the two main examples of blasphemy as illustrated in the Bible. God alone can forgive sins as shown in Luke 5:20-24 and it is through Christ alone that salvation can be accessed.