Friday, February 25, 2011

Middle East Fiasco

Trouble In the Middle East; Authentic or Artificial?


 Trouble in the east is due to western incitement. Once the Eastern nations begin to crumble, the West would gain a firm hand on the globe thus eventually leading to the ultimate height of globalization and inevitably a global/ one-world government. Sounds far-fetched? Pay close attention. The United States of America from its inception had embodied within it, a system that allowed freedom and democracy; fuelled by protestant ideals, the USA was considered the land of opportunity and freedom. Capitalism is not what was intended. Capitalism does not promote democracy and freedom. Capitalism, contrary to popular belief is not simply freedom of enterprise. Its is freedom of enterprise without regulation of any kind thus leading to oligarchic rule; where a few people govern a political system. The 'monopolizers' like Rupert Murdoch etc. are those who hold control. Now in a system like this, the gap between rich and poor is widened to such an extent that the poor people are frustrated and angry. The government which was chosen as the representative of the people now have less power than the 'monopolizers' thus either forcing some sort of appeasement or civil unrest. Appeasement usually comes in the form of increased taxation to the rich but the rich makes it clear that "more taxation no investment!" The system that was originally intended has been twisted to the point where Americans can't do anything about their situation because they don't know who the enemy is. Their own fellow citizens are promoting a globalist agenda that undermines their own sovereignty for the simple cause of money & self! Now, by destabilizing the Eastern countries radical capitalism gains a strong hold of the globe. Thus placing the world under oligarchic rule. The story doesn't end there. How does this affect Trinidad and Tobago and the rest of the world? Well, as we famously say on our twin island state "When America sneezes we does catch the cold!" Such is the case for most of the western world, but I can guarantee you one thing; we are in an era where iron has been mixed with clay therefore nations shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay.