Sunday, March 27, 2011

ICC Cricket World Cup Should T&T split from West Indies?

ICC Cricket World Cup

    Should T&T split from West Indies?    

Within Trinidad and Tobago individuals have begun to question the present state of cricket within the region, the consistent decline of the sport that in past times proved to be the manifestation of West Indian pride and the bastion for regional integration. Voices have been heard throughout the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago asking for the implementation of a Trinidad and Tobago cricket team recognized by ICC and allowed to participate in ICC events. This would result in the removal of Trinidad and Tobago cricket players from the West Indies team. Would such an act be beneficial to Trinidad and Tobago or the Caribbean region?

    Politically, the West Indies Cricket team is critical to the drive for regional integration. It was one of the first and has proven to be one of the last standing pillars. A representation of what a fully integrated region would look like. Some may argue that integration within the Caribbean is not possible, taking into consideration the chaotic nature in which the WICB (West Indies Cricket Board) operates; additionally it is clear that the individual interest and bias depending on island of origin is present within the regional body.

    Economically, collectively the region bears the financial expenses and necessary fees of the cricket team and thus relieves individual states of the burden associated with managing and financing national cricket teams to the extent as needed by the West Indies Team.

    Furthermore the social impact of cricket on the region in times past and the importance of the West Indies to the game of cricket internationally cannot by any means be underestimated. The West Indies have not only produced some of the greatest cricketers of all time but have set the standard with regards to high level performances. The effect of cricket on the regional psyche was so great that it contributed to the widespread desire for freedom from colonialism and the fight against racism. Individuals cannot simply attempt to denounce the West Indies Cricket team based on some years of poor performance. The West Indies Cricket Team has had decades of years as the premier team in the 'cricketing' world and is an integral part of West Indian history and identity. How can one in his/her right mind ask for Trinidad and Tobago to split from the West Indies?

    In recent times the performances of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket team has been at a very high level, some have even boasted that in their recent form they would even be able to defeat the regional team. But one should consider the state of Trinidad and Tobago football and contemplate if such is the position they would desire for our cricket team.