Today I stayed home from school, spending most of my time reading through the secret cables published by Wikileaks over the weekend and throughout both yesterday and today. The cables published reveal messages sent by American embassies throughout the World and the US State Department. For a young fellah like me, who in all honestly may not fully comprehend the magnitude of such a security breach and the importance of the information written within those documents it was truly a unique experience reading through the cables.
Although many of the ,newspapers (New York Times, Der Spiegel, UK guardian) throughout the world have reported on the issue, it is a unique experience when one goes through the information themselves. It must be firstly said that American diplomats are brilliant observers. Their reporting of information is well detailed and they give full, clear descriptions of scenes and events; it's as if reading a novel. They write in a frank manner, not hesitating to give full character assessments of individuals no matter who they are. All the cables end with the last names of the individual who wrote them, for example any cable coming out of the Secretary of State Department ended with CLINTON; in addition some noted that other relevant personnel cleared the cable.
Today I spent hours upon hours reading, downloading and assessing the cables, stopping ever so often to ask myself if this is a dream. The situation at present with regards to world political affairs looks like a scene from the TV show 24. This right now… as I write this blog (30th Nov. 2010) is history in the making. My grandmother keeps telling me to go to bed but I'm too excited. Such events would rarely take place again.
Wikileaks has a twitter account and they have reported numerous times that they have been experiencing Cyber attacks on their website, and in verification of this, one could attest that the site has both slowed down and has begun to give some technical difficulties but it still continues to operate, uploading approximately 80 new secret cable files daily. Wikileaks have claimed that they have in their possession 251,287 secret cables which they would release periodically; only 291 have been released thus far.
One might argue that the information released within the cables is mere gossip and to an extent such an assessment might actually be accurate, but within these cables information which may have never scene the public sphere is now accessible to all. Information concerning world affairs which frankly I think we all have the right to see because we are all citizens of the world. Period. It may sound simplistic and juvenile but that's how its suppose to be. Politics is suppose to be understood by the most incompetent of persons. That why it's called public affairs! It's the affairs of the public! No secrets in public office because it's public business. If individuals wish to have secrets it would simply be uncovered like the present revelations on Wikileaks. The people hold the power, not the world political leaders. People are not to be treated like invalids. Politicians are there to serve. They are the employees of the people placed in office to serve the general will of the public and not special interest groups or their own personal interest. In radical Capitalist societies like that of the United States, we may some times forget that although Barack Obama may be considered a celebrity he is still an employee of each American Citizen. He is paid to serve the 400 million people of America and not the BANKS!
Support Wikileaks because it is fighting against injustice and secrecy. President Kennedy of the United States initiated a fight against secrecy of all forms along with many other great men of the past. It is your turn! Support Wikileaks in any way possible, even if it is by just reading the cables to become informed!